In this post, we will look at how reports can be generated
at the two level discussed in the previous paragraph when using protractor as the automation tool and VSTS
as the build server.
1. Generating an XML results document
The first step in publishing results to the build server is
to get the test framework to generate a results document in a universally
accepted format. Even though there’s no industry standard when it comes to test
result documents, going with Junit, the Java standard cant hurt. This requirement can be easily met using the jasmine-reporters
package[1]. Set it up in the onPrepare jasmine function as shown below.
2. Generating an HTML report
To improve the readability of the results, it makes sense to
generate an HTML report. This can be done using quite a few report packages
available in the market, but in my experience the best at the moment is the protractor-html-reporter-2[2].
It is the best aesthetically and provides all the functionally expected.
Configure the package in the onComplete jasmine block as show below,
Note that the screenshot path set in the plugin and the HTML report package should be the same. When we build the automation project it will now generate a Junit results document and a beautiful HTML results document.
3. Publishing the results to VSTS
In order to populate the rest results in VSTS, the results
generated at build time should be explicitly published once the build has
completed. Now that we have an Junit results document, it can be used along with
a Publish Test Results build step in VSTS build pipeline. Configure it by
giving it the location of the Junit xml results file as shown below,
Now when the build completes on VSTS, the results will be
available in the results tabs.