Saturday, July 22, 2023

An Introduction to mind maps for testers


  • Similar to identifying test conditions and done as part of the test analysis activity.
  • Better medium to convey the test scope to other stakeholders than written test conditions.
  • As relationships between branches and a complete picture can be seen, it can be a better guide than test conditions when test design is done.


  • Think in terms of categories, where supersets should be closely related than subsets.
  • Think in terms of use case actors.
  • Think in terms of quality characteristics
  • Think in terms of architecture
  • In terms of success and failure interactions.
  • In terms of design techniques
  • Classification tree
  • Write in short form
  • Level of detail should be decided on project requirements and constraints. If you have broken it down to the level of high-level test cases you have gone too far.

What's in my Bag? EDC of a Tester